New God Argument (Version 1.0)
Lincoln Cannon
8 August 2008 (updated 27 April 2022)

Abstract: If basic life forms are probable then we should trust that advanced civilizations are probable. If any advanced civilization probably has increased in destructive capacity faster than defensive capacity, and if any advanced civilization probably creates many worlds like those in its past, then we should trust that an advanced civilization more benevolent than us probably created our world. The alternative is that we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization.
The Faith Position
Abstract: For practical reasons, we should trust that we probably will not go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization.
F1) we probably will not go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization [assumption]
The Angel Argument
Abstract: If basic life forms are probable then we should trust that advanced civilizations are probable.
A1) EITHER basic life forms are improbable OR we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization OR advanced civilizations are probable [great filter argument –]
A2) basic life forms are probable [assumption]
A3) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization OR advanced civilizations are probable [from A1 and A2]
A4) advanced civilizations are probable [from A3 and F1]
The Creation Argument
Abstract: If any advanced civilization probably creates many worlds like those in its past then we should trust an advanced civilization probably created our world.
C1) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization OR any advanced civilization probably does not simulate many worlds like those in its past OR an advanced civilization probably simulated our world [simulation argument –]
C2) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization OR any advanced civilization probably does not create many worlds like those in its past OR an advanced civilization probably created our world [generalization of C1]
C3) any advanced civilization probably creates many worlds like those in its past [assumption]
C4) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization OR an advanced civilization probably created our world [from C2 and C3]
C5) an advanced civilization probably created our world [from C4 and F1]
The Charity Argument from Angels
Abstract: If any advanced civilization probably can stop the advance of any less advanced civilization in reach then the extent of our advance probably indicates the minimum benevolence of any advanced civilization in reach.
CA1) EITHER advanced civilizations are improbable OR any advanced civilization probably cannot stop the advance of any less advanced civilization in reach OR the extent of our advance probably indicates the minimum benevolence of any advanced civilization in reach [assumption]
CA2) any advanced civilization probably can stop the advance of any less advanced civilization in reach [assumption]
CA3) EITHER advanced civilizations are improbable OR the extent of our advance probably indicates the minimum benevolence of any advanced civilization in reach [from CA1 and CA2]
CA4) the extent of our advance probably indicates the minimum benevolence of any advanced civilization in reach [from CA3 and A4]
The Charity Argument from Faith
Abstract: If any advanced civilization probably has increased in destructive capacity faster than defensive capacity then we should trust any advanced civilization probably is more benevolent than us.
CF1) EITHER any advanced civilization probably has not increased in destructive capacity faster than defensive capacity OR any advanced civilization probably is more benevolent than us OR we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization [assumption]
CF2) any advanced civilization probably has increased in destructive capacity faster than defensive capacity [assumption]
CF3) EITHER any advanced civilization probably is more benevolent than us OR we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization [from CF1 and CF2]
CF4) any advanced civilization probably is more benevolent than us [from CF3 and F1]
The Charity Argument from Creation
Abstract: If any advanced civilization probably creates many worlds like those in its past then any advanced civilization that created our world probably acts toward us with at least as much benevolence as it expects any advanced civilization that created its world should act toward it.
CC1) EITHER an advanced civilization probably did not create our world OR any advanced civilization probably does not create many worlds like those in its past OR any advanced civilization that created our world probably acts toward us with at least as much benevolence as it expects any advanced civilization that created its world should act toward it [assumption]
CC2) EITHER an advanced civilization probably did not create our world OR any advanced civilization that created our world probably acts toward us with at least as much benevolence as it expects any advanced civilization that created its world should act toward it [from CC1 and C3]
CC3) any advanced civilization that created our world probably acts toward us with at least as much benevolence as it expects any advanced civilization that created its world should act toward it [from CC2 and C5]
F1) we probably will not go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization [faith position]
A1) EITHER basic life forms are improbable OR we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization OR advanced civilizations are probable [great filter argument –]
A2) basic life forms are probable [assumption]
C1) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization OR any advanced civilization probably does not simulate many worlds like those in its past OR an advanced civilization probably simulated our world [simulation argument –]
C3) any advanced civilization probably creates many worlds like those in its past [assumption]
CA1) EITHER advanced civilizations are improbable OR any advanced civilization probably cannot stop the advance of any less advanced civilization in reach OR the extent of our advance probably indicates the minimum benevolence of any advanced civilization in reach [assumption]
CA2) any advanced civilization probably can stop the advance of any less advanced civilization in reach [assumption]
CF1) EITHER any advanced civilization probably has not increased in destructive capacity faster than defensive capacity OR any advanced civilization probably is more benevolent than us OR we probably will go extinct before becoming an advanced civilization [assumption]
CF2) any advanced civilization probably has increased in destructive capacity faster than defensive capacity [assumption]
CC1) EITHER an advanced civilization probably did not create our world OR any advanced civilization probably does not create many worlds like those in its past OR any advanced civilization that created our world probably acts toward us with the same benevolence it hopes any advanced civilization that created its world acts toward it [assumption]
A4) advanced civilizations are probable [angel argument]
C5) an advanced civilization probably created our world [creation argument]
CA4) the extent of our advance probably indicates the minimum benevolence of any advanced civilization in reach [charity argument from angels]
CF4) any advanced civilization probably is more benevolent than us [charity argument from faith]
CC3) any advanced civilization that created our world probably acts toward us with at least as much benevolence as it expects any advanced civilization that created its world should act toward it [charity argument from creation]