New God Argument (Version 2.0)
Lincoln Cannon
26 March 2010 (updated 27 April 2022)

Below is the revised summary of the New God Argument, as presented today at the annual meeting of the Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology.
Those who are familiar with the argument will recognize that we renamed the Charity Arguments to “the Benevolence Argument” and focused in on one of the original arguments. That’s not to say there is not merit in the others. But this one lends itself best to the formal argument.
We also revised some of the syntax, most notably using “posthumans” now rather than “advanced civilizations.” This serves to clarify some areas.
As always, I’m interested in your feedback. Thank you.
If we will not go extinct before becoming posthumans then, given assumptions consistent with contemporary science and technological trends, posthumans probably already exist that are more benevolent than us and that created our world. If prehumans are probable then posthumans probably already exist. If posthumans probably increased faster in destructive than defensive capacity then posthumans probably are more benevolent than us. If posthumans probably create create many worlds like those in their past then posthumans probably created our world. The only alternative is that we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans.
Faith Position
We will not go extinct before becoming posthumans.
F1) we will not go extinct before becoming posthumans [assumption]
Angel Argument
If prehumans are probable then posthumans probably already exist.
A1) EITHER prehumans are improbable OR we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans OR posthumans probably already exist [great filter argument]
A2) prehumans are probable [assumption]
A3) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans OR posthumans probably already exist [from A1 and A2]
A4) posthumans probably already exist [from A3 and F1]
Benevolence Argument
If posthumans probably have increased faster in destructive than defensive capacity then posthumans probably are more benevolent than us.
B1) EITHER posthumans probably have not increased faster in destructive than defensive capacity OR posthumans probably are more benevolent than us OR we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans [assumption]
B2) posthumans probably have increased faster in destructive than defensive capacity [assumption]
B3) EITHER posthumans probably are more benevolent than us OR we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans [from B1 and B2]
B4) posthumans probably are more benevolent than us [from B3 and F1]
Creation Argument
If posthumans probably create many worlds like those in their past then posthumans probably created our world.
C1) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans OR posthumans probably do not compute many worlds like those in their past OR posthumans probably computed our world [simulation argument]
C2) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans OR posthumans probably do not create many worlds like those in their past OR posthumans probably created our world [generalization of C1]
C3) posthumans probably create many worlds like those in their past [assumption]
C4) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans OR posthumans probably created our world [from C2 and C3]
C5) posthumans probably created our world [from C4 and F1]
F1) we will not go extinct before becoming posthumans [faith position]
A1) EITHER prehumans are improbable OR we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans OR posthumans probably already exist [great filter argument]
A2) prehumans are probable [assumption]
B1) EITHER posthumans probably have not increased faster in destructive than defensive capacity OR posthumans probably are more benevolent than us OR we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans [assumption]
B2) posthumans probably have increased faster in destructive than defensive capacity [assumption]
C1) EITHER we probably will go extinct before becoming posthumans OR posthumans probably do not compute many worlds like those in their past OR posthumans probably computed our world [simulation argument]
C3) posthumans probably create many worlds like those in their past [assumption]
A4) posthumans probably already exist [angel argument]
B4) posthumans probably are more benevolent than us [benevolence argument]
C5) posthumans probably created our world [creation argument]