Archive December 2011
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in December 2011. An annual archive for 2011 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that's available on any of Lincoln's websites.
What Are You Creating, Heaven or Hell?
Each morning as I merge on to the freeway to commute to work, I pass a billboard that asks me, “Where are you going? Heaven or Hell.” That’s so completely the wrong question, and the religious fundamentalism that provokes funding of these billboards is so completely evil. Yes. You read ... -
The Consolation at Turing Church Workshop 2011
This is a transcript of my talk at the Turing Church Workshop 2011, today. The text is an early (and incomplete) draft of a paper I hope to publish at some point. I look forward to your feedback. Like others today, I’m going to call your attention to the subject ...