Postsecular Religion
Postsecular religion emerges as a response to the perceived decline of traditional religions in technologically advanced societies. It represents a transformation in the understanding and practice of religion, rather than its dismissal. This concept challenges the assumption that scientific and technological progress will lead to the demise of religious thought. Instead, it advocates for an integrated approach where scientific and religious insights coexist and interact.
This is a list of articles that Lincoln Cannon has written about postsecular religion. A full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that's available on any of Lincoln's websites.
The End of Religion Misrecognized
So much anti-religious dogmatism, so much misrecognized religiosity, so little time. It’s a wonder to me that some clearly sophisticated persons can express such unsophisticated opinions about religion. Maybe it’s just because we all have vested interests? On the one hand, those who have distanced themselves from tradition seek to ... -
Ray Kurzweil and the Postsecularization Hypothesis
Ray Kurzweil is evidence for the postsecularization hypothesis: religion is not at all dying, but is merely continuing to evolve. He’s probably by far the most influential Singularitarian in the world. And he’s perhaps even the most influential living futurist. Kurzweil got there by directly engaging in postsecular rhetoric. Before ... -
"Religion" and "God" and Fundamentalism
I’m sometimes criticized for using “religion” and “God” in unusual ways. Generally, this criticism comes from persons with fundamentalist inclinations of either the religious or antireligious sort, whose relatively rigid views of religion and God inform their opinion that I’m diverging from what these words really or generally mean. Of ... -
Transhumanism, Atheism, and Misrecognized Religion
Some Transhumanists have a hard time distinguishing between Transhumanism and atheism. And some Transhumanists have a hard time recognizing the religious behavior in which they are engaged. I mention these observations, today, not because they are new. I mention them because my friend Zoltan Istvan might be equivocating and misrecognizing ... -
What Is the Value of Religion?
The value of religion depends, of course, on what you mean by “religion”. If religion is merely euphemization of escapism or nihilism, as it so often manifests itself, then it probably has a net negative value. I use “probably” only because I can imagine some poor unfortunate souls that are ... -
Religion is the Most Powerful Social Technology
Religion is a social technology – the most powerful social technology. Like all powerful technologies, it can be used for good and evil. And it clearly has been used for both historically. Focusing on the evil uses, as the antireligious do, demonstrates an unfamiliarity with the religious phenomenon, and its ... -
Progressive Revelation Among the Mormons
A friend, who considers me a progressive Mormon, shared with me an article by BYU political science professor Ralph Hancock on “Progressivism Among the Mormons.” In the article, Ralph observes that progressive Mormons appear to interpret the doctrine of continuing revelation as a politically progressive mandate. And he expresses his ... -
Technological Evolution and Postsecular Religion
Humanity is engaged in epochal change, an accelerating technological and cultural evolution with unprecedented risks and opportunities. Among the possibilities is that of creating new tools, processes, and organizations that together serve as infrastructure for helping everyone restore the vitality of their bodies and minds, and improve their capacity to ... -
Humanistic Mormonism
Several friends have asked for my opinion on Humanistic Mormonism, consequent to hearing about the Society for Humanistic Mormonism. As most readers of my blog know, I’m one of the founders of the Mormon Transhumanist Association and currently serving as president of that organization. So it won’t come as a ... -
Post-Secularism and the Resurrecting God
God is dead, proclaimed Nietzsche. He was right and wrong. Following their God, traditional forms of religion have been dying, particularly in many technologically advanced, specialized, and prosperous countries. Consequently, many have embraced the secularization hypothesis: religion itself is dying. That hypothesis, however, now embraced less by experts than by ... -
Inspired by Richard Dawkins and The God Delusion
In 2007, I read Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion. At the time, the New Atheists appeared newer than they now appear (although they were perhaps not so new even at that time). And they were frequently referenced in articles and discussions that crossed my path. Prior to reading Dawkins’ book, ... -
God Is Dead ... Again
Remember this scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail? MORTICIAN: Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead! CUSTOMER: Here’s one – nine pence. DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead! ...