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Eternal Christ

Lincoln Cannon

26 December 2022 (updated 28 February 2024)

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"Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

In that day, when all the world is taxed and pregnant with prophecy, babies who will be Christ are born. Sublime messengers herald the good news to those who kept watch during the night. And they spread the word. Some wonder and ponder in their hearts. Many are troubled.

"Birth of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Children who will be Christ grow in wisdom and stature. Venturing from their parents, they find themselves among authorities in revered places. There, they hear and ask questions. They understand and answer. All are astonished.

"Disputation of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

No longer children, they who will be Christ go to the wilderness. They ask. Refused, they ask again, that all may know their commitment is stronger than the cords of death. Then with consent, they are fully immersed in Christ. And the sublime esthetic descends on them.

"Immersion of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

In the wilderness, Christ is tempted. Maybe they should fulfill their own desires. Maybe they should leave the sublime work to others. Maybe they should even worship the one who aspires to rise above all others as God alone. But temptation leaves and sublime ministers come.

"Temptation of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

From that time, Christ begins to teach: “Change! Join us. Fully immerse yourselves in Christ, as exemplified and invited by Jesus.” Immediately some join. And, together, they go about teaching. As their fame spreads, many more join.

"Calling of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

“Bless and be blessed. You are the saviors of humanity. What could the world do without you? You are the light of the world. Let your light shine. Love God. Love everyone as you love yourselves. Love even your enemies, that you may be perfect as God is perfect.”

"Sermon of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Christ goes about consoling and healing the people, who bring the sick and tormented. When they bring the dead, Christ says they will rise. Some misunderstand, thinking only of a future day. So Christ raises the dead and tells others to help. But many conspire for death.

"Miracle of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Resorting to the high mountains, Christ is transfigured. Their faces shine as the sun, their clothes as the light. Ancient prophets appear to them. Sublime voices speak to them. But they share the full vision with no one, except those who will rise again from the dead.

"Transfiguration of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Despite conspiracies to kill them, Christ descends from the mountains and goes again among the people. Great crowds greet them. So they teach and invite. And, in their zeal, they reprove and scourge those who abuse authority to raise themselves above others.

"Indignation of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Now when the evening comes, Christ sits down to eat. They take food, bless it, and share it in memory of their body. They take drink, give thanks for it, and share it in memory of their blood. This night, they know, they will betray and deny each other. And they will suffer.

"Communion of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Distressed and troubled, then overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, Christ falls and prays. In anguish, despite sublime comforters, they pray more earnestly. Trembling in pain, sweating and bleeding, they relinquish themselves to betrayal and denial.

"Suffering of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Among authorities, Christ is stripped and ridiculed. Before the world, they are tortured. They cry with a loud voice, “God, why have you forsaken us?” And they are ridiculed again. In the darkness, they cry again. And finally they die. Heavens weep. Earth mourns. Eternity shakes.

"Death of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Silence. Early in the morning at first light, tombs open. And Christ begins to rise.

"Resurrection of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

Maybe they are undertakers. But their voices and words are familiar. Maybe they are ghosts. But they have bodies as tangible as our own. Maybe they are lies. But knowledge is revealed, and power is endowed. Grace by grace, Christ continues to rise.

"Ascension of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

In that day, beyond past notions of poverty and enmity and death, Christ returns as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west. Sublime messengers herald the good news to all the world. And all the world sees that we are Christ.

"Return of Eternal Christ" by Lincoln Cannon

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