Archive July 2024
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in July 2024. An annual archive for 2024 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Mormon Transhumanism and the Church
Mormon Transhumanism works to syncretize modern science and emerging technology with Mormon theology. When encountering this syncretization for the first time, most members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) respond with cautious interest. Some glow with enthusiasm. Some react with skepticism. Recently, Mormon Transhumanism has ... -
A Christian Renaissance to Sanctify Transhumanism
Christopher VanDusen wrote a thoughtful article on “The Need for a Christian Renaissance to Oppose Today’s Transhumanist Renaissance.” I appreciate his work to foster deeper devotion and understanding among Christians. It’s important for the faithful to engage with contemporary cultural and technological movements critically. Christopher argues that Transhumanism is like ...