Archive July 2011
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in July 2011. An annual archive for 2011 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Speculating Around Speculative Singularity Roadblocks
In his book, Physics of the Future, Michio Kaku outlines six roadblocks to the Singularity. The roadblocks are at least as speculative as the technological singularity, and we can reasonably speculate our way around them. Below are Michio’s proposed roadblocks, indented, followed by my thoughts. First, the dazzling advances in ... -
The Singularity Doesn't Require Understanding
Neuroscientist David Linden challenges the timeline (but not the feasibility) of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions, and argues that “The Singularity is Far.” I’m skeptical. David explains that our understanding of brain processes is progressing at a linear rate. I agree with that – in any case, he would know this better ... -
Ecumenical Mormonism
The Mormonism that has inspired me from childhood is the ecumenical Mormonism. It doesn’t pretend to exclusive access to God. And it welcomes truth from any source, whether it be Mormon, non-Mormon, or non-religious. Too many Mormons, like many persons of most other religions, are sectarian in their outlook. They ... -
Why Should Theists Learn How to Resurrect the Dead?
On the “Mormon Transhumanist Association Response” website, Vblogger, who is a Mormon, questions why Mormon Transhumanists think we should try to use science and technology as means for transfiguration and resurrection to immortality. He demonstrates that the scriptures teach that God has already transfigured or resurrected persons in the past. ... -
Jesus Christ and Atonement in Knowledge and Goodness
On the Mormon Transhumanist Association Response blog, Vblogger asks how the pursuit of science, if not limited, can be reconciled with faith in Jesus Christ. Do we need the grace of God? If we can figure things out on our own, why do we need Christ? In the strictest sense, ... -
Questions about God from "Closer to Truth"
I’ve been watching the “Closer to Truth” videos on the subject of God. Thanks to Matthew Price for pointing them out to me. The videos follow a series of questions. While I don’t entirely agree with all the answers suggested in the videos, I have found them thought-provoking. Here are ...