Archive November 2007
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in November 2007. An annual archive for 2007 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Aubrey de Grey is Spicy Today
Aubrey de Grey is a Transhumanist and biomedical gerontologist that is working hard to promote funding of research to end aging. He has become increasingly visible in popular media, and recently released a book entitled, Ending Aging. I just noticed a few minutes ago that Aubrey de Grey has jumped ... -
Chapter Two of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
This is my second post reviewing the book, The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins. I should repeat some things mentioned at the beginning of my first post. I respect Dawkins as an excellent and inspiring evolutionary biologist. Although he misrepresents and misunderstands religion as a whole, he justifiably expresses anger ... -
Chapter Three of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
This is my third post reviewing Richard Dawkins’ book, The God Delusion. For emphasis, I will repeat some things mentioned at the beginning of my first post. I respect Dawkins as an excellent and inspiring evolutionary biologist. Although he misrepresents and misunderstands religion as a whole, he justifiably expresses anger ... -
Mormon Inventors and their Inventions
While surfing the net this evening, I came across an interesting web page that lists various Mormon inventors and their inventions. Of course, the inventors benefitted from and worked with others who contributed to their inventions, directly or indirectly. I was aware of some of the items in the list, ... -
Response to the "Mormon Transhumanist Problem"
I recently responded to a Mormon blogger, Jettboy, who expressed concerns with Mormon Transhumanism. I’m going to post my response here, too, for additional readers. Jettboy, I’m happy that you consider the intent of the Mormon Transhumanist Association to be noble, even though you have concerns with its theological grounds. ... -
Thoughts on God's Relationship with Mind Uploading
Today at the “By Common Consent” blog, participants were polled in response to the MTA article in Sunstone magazine. The poll question was: “If humans developed the technology to download their ‘minds’ to a computer and live forever as part of a machine, God would intervene to stop it?” As ... -
Skin Cells become Stem Cells
Big news today from biotech scientists: researchers have successfully converted human skin cells into stem cells. This process can be used to produce almost any other type of cell and thereby fix numerous problems in the human body. This advance is particularly important because it should help resolve the ethical ... -
Mormons ask, "What if we didn't die from old age?"
Today at the Mormon blog, New Cool Thang, one of the contributors asked, “What if we didn’t die from old age?” As part of his thoughts in response to his own question, he linked to a video of Aubrey de Grey. Subsequently, he and others made various comments about death ...