Archive December 2007
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in December 2007. An annual archive for 2007 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Death Is Neither Inevitable Nor Good
In discussions with friends recently, the subject of death came up and comments were made about it being inevitable and that we should accept that inevitability as something good. I responded that, depending on your definition of “death”, trends suggest that it is not inevitable for some of us. Death ... -
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama on Reconciling Faith
I recently watched videos of speeches given by United States presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Barack Obama on the subject of reconciling faith and politics. Each speech, for a different reason, reminded me of the challenging (and rewarding) situation faced by the Mormon Transhumanist Association. Like Romney, we are Mormons. ... -
Yes: Mormons ARE Cool
Erik Davis, a Transhumanist and author of Techgnosis, writes that “Mormons are cool” for at least the following reasons: #1 “The temples are totally great looking.” Yes. They are beautiful. The LDS Church publishes a website with pictures of and information about all its temples. #2 “Harold Bloom digs the ... -
Faithless Science is Manifestly Bogus
So claims Paul Davies in a New York Times editorial, entitled “Taking Science on Faith.” He rightly points out that science relies (faithfully) on premises such as uniformity. And he touches on some influence Christian theology has had on the development of the scientific method. At the end of the ... -
Absurdity and Authority Do Not Refute Evolution
These days, if you ask a university-educated faithful Mormon whether she believes God may have used biological evolution as a mechanism in the creation of humanity, you have (estimating roughly from my experience) about a 50/50 chance of receiving a response in the affirmative. Some Mormons are particularly supportive of ... -
Merry Christmas, Fellow Transhumanists!
Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, recognized among Christians as Christ, as messiah and savior. I join in the celebration and recognition not because I consider Jesus to be the only savior, but rather because I consider him to be the best example of characteristics that, as we work ...