Archive October 2008
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in October 2008. An annual archive for 2008 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
A Mormon Perspective on California Proposition 8
Californians will soon be voting on proposition 8, which would amend their state constitution to define “marriage” as being between one man and one woman, exclusively. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by far the largest Mormon denomination and the church of which I am a member, is ... -
The New God Argument and Heaven for the Non-Religious
I recently received a letter, written neatly by hand and sent through the post (yes, that still happens), from a kind friend with a question regarding the New God Argument. The question and answer are worth sharing here. So, with names removed to protect the innocent, here’s the letter, with ... -
You're a Transhuman Web Surfer! Now what?
A friend pointed out to me an interesting PC Magazine review of Web Surfers Evolving into Superior Humans, a book by neuroscientist Gary Small. In the book, Small argues that contemporary infotech is affecting human evolution. That’s because it provides social selection advantages to persons adept at using technologies such ... -
Celestial Earth as a Kardashev Scale Civilization
Today, I came across a blog post at Mormon Matters, posing the question, “Is the Internet a Urim & Thummim?” This sounds strange to the point of near nonsense, I’m sure, to those of you who are not Mormon. But it does have meaning for Mormons, whose scriptures contain this ...