Archive November 2008
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in November 2008. An annual archive for 2008 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Congratulations Again to Barack Obama
Congratulations again to Barack Obama, who will be the next President of the United States of America. This is an historic moment, both for African Americans and all other Americans, in that it illustrates how far we have come as a people in overcoming the lingering influence of ancient racial ... -
Messianic Postures toward Artificial Intelligence
Observing trends in information technology, some researchers conclude that artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually surpass the brightest human minds and take control of its own evolution. Assuming these researchers are correct, it is in our interest to ensure that we design AI to be friendly from the beginning. Whether AI ... -
Convergence 08 Artificial Intelligence Panel
I’m at the Convergence 08 unconference in Mountain View, California. The first session is focusing on artificial intelligence. While waiting for the session to begin, I had a conversation with Peter Milford of Parallel Rules. He told me that his interests are in practical near-term applications of the ideas on ... -
Convergence 08 Saturday Unconference
This afternoon, I’ve been bouncing around among unconference sessions at Convergence 08 in Mountain View, California. First, I attended a session on balancing spirituality with technology. It had a lot of potential and several interesting persons attended. But the discussion was turned too often to the discussion leader’s marketing of ... -
Convergence 08 Paul Saffo Keynote
Paul Saffo was the keynote speaker on Saturday at Convergence 08 in Mountain View, California. Paul endeavored to share some principles of forecasting. He began by distinguishing between futurists and forecasters, defining the former as active advocates and the latter as passive observers. He observed that persons looking to the ... -
Convergence 08 Synthetic Biology Panel
This morning, the Convergence 08 conference in Mountain View, California, continued with a panel of experts on synthetic life. One of the panel members observed that genetic engineering is almost as accessible as computer programming in the early 80s, when teenagers were able to become involved inexpensively. Another panel member ... -
Convergence 08 Sunday Unconference
Like yesterday afternoon, this afternoon I participated in unconference sessions at Convergence 08 in Mountain View, California. First, I attended a session with PJ Manney on empathy and technology. The session began by focusing primarily on how to promote empathy through video games, by encouraging persons to take on roles ... -
Reproductive Technology and Gay Marriage
I recently came across a document by Margaret A Somerville, which presents “The Case Against ‘Same-Sex Marriage’”. This is, to date, the best argument I’ve read from opponents of gay marriage. It accounts for the importance of religious perspectives, but does not argue from them, and instead appeals to secular ... -
Millennial Vegetarians or New Meat Manufacturing?
Mormon prophetic tradition includes the idea that humans (and perhaps other animals) will no longer eat other animals when the Earth attains its millennial or terrestrial glory. For example, see this recent post at the Mormon blog, Times and Seasons. Some have interpreted these prophecies to support vegetarianism. Others may ...