Archive February 2015
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in February 2015. An annual archive for 2015 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that's available on any of Lincoln's websites.
Mormon Ontology of God and Synthesis in Superhumanity
Stop a Mormon on the street, and ask her to describe God. She might say something like, “God is our Heavenly Father, an embodied glorified being, who created our world and loves us immeasurably.” That’s an accurate account of Mormon theology, so far as it goes. And yet there’s more ... -
Richard Dawkins Advocates Cultural Bigotry
Richard Dawkins is at it again, misapplying his extraordinary biological brilliance to religion with altogether sophomoric results. He’s worried that we’re saddling children with religious labels, like “Christian,” when the children aren’t even old enough to understand, let alone assert informed agreement with, the beliefs of their parents. It’s such ... -
God is Superintelligent Posthumanity
I often position Mormon theology in terms of “superintelligent posthumanity”. This provides a bridge of understanding between Transhumanism and Mormonism. It can also provide a bridge of understanding between Transhumanism and broader Christianity, insofar as Mormonism illustrates an interpretive approach to Christian authoritative tradition. Recently, after reading one of my ...