Archive December 2009
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in December 2009. An annual archive for 2009 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Mormons Use Technology to Reach Millions
A well-meaning anonymous fellow Mormon once chastised me, encouraging more focus on the powers of prayer and priesthood and less focus on the powers of technology. He argued that it will be the traditional religious mechanisms that will save us. I responded with a question: why does the Church use ... -
Music and Speech Are Based on Human Biology
No surprise to learn that neuroscientists at Duke University have found evidence that popular music can be predicted based on harmonics characteristic of human speech. Of course, the link between anatomy and esthetics goes far deeper than this. We are our esthetics, radiating from the structures and patterns of our ... -
Mythology as Atonement
While listening to speakers at church today, I considered my internal reactions to the various ideas and feelings expressed. At times I was inspired, at times indifferent, and on occasion annoyed. Consideration led me mostly to familiar explanations, ranging from degree of shared perspective to volume of persons near me, ... -
Boom! Hok! A Monkey Language Is Deciphered
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This passage of text from the Gospel of John calls to mind the power of language and reason. The Greek word from which “Word” was translated is “logos”, which is the root of ... -
Mega-flood filled the Mediterranean in months
Despite the clamor of Bible literalists, there is not objective evidence that a worldwide flood occurred a few thousand years ago, as suggested by some popular interpretations of the Noah story. On the other hand, perhaps megafloods that occurred a few million years ago impressed our early ancestors sufficiently to ... -
That Random Coin Toss? Not So Random After All.
Can our thoughts, meditation, and prayers change the world? Of course, for starters, they can change the way we speak and act, thereby indirectly changing the world. Beyond that, some speculate that our minds may be able to change the world more directly. According to this study, for example, the ...