Archive August 2010
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in August 2010. An annual archive for 2010 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that's available on any of Lincoln's websites.
Reasons for Technological Interpretation of Mormonism
Below is a transcript of my presentation at Sunstone 2010 yesterday at the Sheraton Hotel in Salt Lake City. I invite your feedback. Science and Religion? How often have we heard the question: are science and religion compatible? And yet, how many of us are still waiting for the answer? ... -
Posthuman Evolution Recapped Human Growth?
A Wired article recently explained “Human Evolution Recapped in Kids’ Brain Growth.” Basically, the idea is that 25 million years’ of human brain evolution are repeated at relatively high speed in the developing brains of contemporary human children. I’ve sometimes wondered whether something similar might not be true of posthuman ... -
Journey through Disillusionment to Active Enchantment
Recently, a friend wrote me a letter requesting my thoughts on some of the challenges, particularly historical and political, facing the LDS Church and how they affect him personally. With his permission, I’m responding on my blog because I expect these thoughts will interest and may benefit others. I am ... -
The Big Bang from Posthuman Computers in Black Holes?
A friend asked for my opinion on what came before the big bang. I’m not a physicist or cosmologist, but I read enough to have (dangerous) opinions that might provoke imagination in productive directions. With that disclaimer, here are my thoughts. First, maybe there wasn’t a big bang. Clearly, scientific ... -
Further Inspiration on Designer Universes
A friend (Jeremy Owen Turner) called my attention to an article published today in the Telegraph, which asks, “Are we living in a designer universe?” There are strong similarities between the ideas expressed in this article and those I expressed in my blog post a few days ago, “Before the ...