Archive June 2010
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in June 2010. An annual archive for 2010 is available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Will posthumans all doubt their own existence?
Today, Philippe Verdoux of the IEET asked, “Will posthumans all be atheists?.” My first reaction was: “This is ridiculous, like an embryo asking whether humans will not believe in humans.” I think I even mumbled it out loud, although there was no one around to hear me. Could Philippe, like ... -
Do rituals save us?
Do rituals save us? Are ordinances required for salvation or exaltation? Put differently, for those with less familiarity with religious language, are there desirable modes of existence (perhaps subsequent to death) that we cannot attain without engaging in particular rituals, perhaps performed by particularly authorized persons? For example, it is ... -
The Real Religious Hubris Is Not Theosis
Transhumanists have been charged with hubris: the arrogance of playing God. As the argument goes, our aspirations are beyond moral bounds, our trust in human ability is unwarranted and dangerous, and we may even risk the wrath of some God that would punish us to rectify our attitude and put ... -
Problems with Americans' Expectations of Life in 2050
Today, I was browsing the results of the Pew Research Center survey of Americans’ expectations of life in 2050. There were a couple problems that jumped out at me. The first is that our expectations of technology are certainly too low in some areas. For example, only 42% think scientists ... -
Inspired by Richard Dawkins and The God Delusion
In 2007, I read Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion. At the time, the New Atheists appeared newer than they now appear (although they were perhaps not so new even at that time). And they were frequently referenced in articles and discussions that crossed my path. Prior to reading Dawkins’ book, ...