Archive 2018
This is an archive of articles that Lincoln Cannon published in 2018. Monthly archives for January 2018, March 2018, April 2018, May 2018, August 2018, September 2018, October 2018, November 2018, and December 2018 are available. And a full archive of all articles that Lincoln has published since 2005 is also available. You may also search for articles and other content that Lincoln has published on any of his websites.
Why Is Resurrection Necessary?
“Why is resurrection necessary in the plan of salvation?” A friend asked me this question at church. In the Mormon tradition, we talk about God having a plan of salvation. And we understand resurrection to be a necessary part of that plan. But why? Why couldn’t or wouldn’t God create ... -
Cryonics and Transhumanism Are Hope for Life
Infamously, cryonics is in the news again. The Brain Preservation Foundation announced that a research group has successfully preserved a pig brain at a research-grade level of detail. A startup, Nectome, announced that it’s aiming to sell brain-destructive connectome preservation. And of course, all-too-predictably, such news is provoking frothy-mouthed bio-conservatives ... -
Reform Church Interview Practices Related to Sex
Evidently, a former LDS Church mission president, responsible for the missionary training center, has admitted to committing sexual assault. Mormon Leaks released an interview between the former leader and a woman who says she was one of multiple women he admitted to assaulting. And the Church has released a statement ... -
80 Thoughts on April 2018 General Conference
The April 2018 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) just wrapped up yesterday. The LDS Church is the largest Mormon denomination, consisting of nearly 16 million members. I’m one of them. During the semi-annual conferences, I often share some of my thoughts via ... -
Catholics Should Cheat Death Too
Writing for the major US Catholic journal, Commonweal Magazine, Mary McDonough contends that “life-extension funders should rethink their research.” Her main reason is that she believes the funds used for life extension research would be better spent on efforts to solve problems such as poverty, starvation, human-rights violations, and terrorism. ... -
Mormon Projections on Superintelligent Communities
Transhumanists, at least the more far-sighted among us, imagine the possibility that humanity will evolve into superintelligent capacities, indefinitely long lives, ethical and esthetic sensibilities that we cannot presently imagine, and perhaps even minds whose thoughts constitute nothing less than the creation of new worlds. But perhaps we don’t often ... -
Wesley Smith Lies About Transhumanism
Wesley Smith at the National Review is writing about Transhumanism again. And again, as when Wesley characterized Transhumanists as oppressive cave-dwellers, he’s misrepresenting Transhumanism and its relationship with religion. These misrepresentations are not the only problems with his latest article. For example, he’s also engaging in poor reasoning about the ... -
My Biases on Bryan Johnson's Plan to Save Humanity
Tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson has written a brief plan for the future of humanity. He’s concerned about global catastrophic risks associated with technology. And he intends his plan to start a conversation. Bryan prefaces his plan with the disclaimer that he, like everyone else, has biases and shortcomings. So he’s ... -
The Sacred Grove Is a Maze
From a resurrected version of the Smith family log home, my family and I continue along a dirt path into the grove – a forest. It’s high summer. It’s humid. But thick green foliage absorbs the heat and scatters the light. We’re cool and other-worldly. For a while, I think ... -
My Funeral (God Forbid)
One of my friends (I’ll call him “Joseph”) is going through a difficult situation, which has motivated me to think about my funeral. Joseph is a Mormon Transhumanist. His father (I’ll call him “Alvin”), also a Mormon, recently died. That’s already difficult, but there’s more, which Joseph has given me ... -
This Post Is Sponsored by Fundamentalist Christians
Fundamentalist Christians would like to tell you what I believe, and how that contrasts with what they believe. So today’s their big day! Front and center, here on my own blog, I give you “my” beliefs in their own words. That’s right: “MY” beliefs in THEIR own words, as well ... -
49 Thoughts on October 2018 General Conference
It’s that time again, when members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gather for our worldwide general conference. I’ve compiled a list of some of my thoughts while listening to October 2018 General Conference. As usual, my list includes affirmations, criticisms, elaborations, and questions. My intent is ... -
No Pity for Nietzsche
If Christianity is the religion of pity then Nietzsche was right about it. But too many persons, including both Nietzsche and Christians, interpret the relation between Christian religion and Nietzschean philosophy too uncharitably. A case in point, recently, is an interpretation suggested by Dan Peterson, a fellow Mormon. To frame ... -
This is a poem that I wrote while I was serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Southern France around 1995. The poem is a sonnet in iambic pentameter. Each couplet is associated with a color of the rainbow. And there are both ... -
Is It Okay To Be a Mormon?
During the Sunday 7 October 2018 general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Church), President Russell M. Nelson encouraged members and friends of the Church to stop using nicknames like “Mormon” to refer to the Church or its members. To emphasize that point, he stated ... -
Meditation on the Rebirth of Christ
Saturday evening, I read about Catholic mass and communion. Sunday morning, I participated in sacrament at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Monday afternoon on Christmas eve, I’m reading the fifth chapter of the first epistle of John. In context of the holiday season, these experiences and words ...